Kristin Odom

Kristin Odom

Benton Grade School


Ms. Odom is a second year teacher who has more passion for teacher than anyone I know. Her first year was cut short do to the COVID19 pandemic, and this year, she is the only remote teacher for her grade level. She has had to navigate an entire new realm of teaching all alone, yet she has done so with grace and kindness. She does it all for her “kiddos”.

Ms. Odom works long hours to make sure her students are receiving the best education they can. When she had kids in the classroom, she talked about the laughs, the stories, and of creative ways she taught her students. This year, her loved ones have watched her do the impossible. The tears she has shed have not been because she hates her job. She sheds tears for each of the kids she is trying so hard to reach. She is an incredibly selfless teacher who spends her own money to help encourage her students.

Teaching is more than just instilling knowledge. It’s what Ms. Odom does every day… its about making the connections! It’s about helping students meet all their needs, even those that should occur outside the classroom.

I hope you consider Ms. Kristin Odom for this reward. I have seen many teachers dismiss this year as a waste… she doesn’t. She knows that this year is going to be a time when students need love and stability from a teacher.

Nominated by Ashley